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  • Writer's pictureJeffrey Louis V. Din

UST Nursing conducts onsite capping ceremonies after two years

After two years, UST Nursing Batch 2023 finally affixed the Student Nurse title to their names at the Capping, Pinning, and Candle Lighting Ceremonies held at the San Martin de Porres Cinematorium on Thursday morning, August 25.

The capping rites, traditionally conducted during the sophomore year, signifies the students’ response to the calling of the nursing field and their commitment to service. The caps for the women and pins for the men symbolize their full acceptance of the responsibility for the health and well-being of the patients they will be handling. A total of 347 seniors donned in white received the articles.

There were two morning sessions held to accommodate all nine graduating sections. Blocks 1 to 4 came in first, followed by 5 to 9.

The program started with the blessing of the caps and pins by College Regent Rev. Fr. Julius Paul Factora, OP, JCD, RN. It was followed by Alyssa Andrea Corpuz (IV-3) and Diane Ricci Lavadia (IV-5) who gave the address of petition.

College Dean Rowena Escolar Chua, PhD, RN conceded to the petition and lit the Mother Lamp. She reminded the students to serve patients not on the basis of reward, but on genuine concern and care towards the ill.

“Nursing is a vocation, the giving of oneself to the service of others, and therefore, you do God’s work on earth,” remarked Escolar Chua.

The imposition of the caps and pins was led by Dean Escolar Chua, Asst. Dean Maria Glenda Lee Sevilla, MAN, RN, and faculty council member Asst. Prof. Rolisa Almario, MAN, RN. Manuel John Cayanong (IV-3), Precious Shaira Abag (IV-1), Kayan Liwari Padilla (IV-7), and Ma. Cheeny Sy (IV-9) were the first to receive the blessed articles, and later on lit their batchmates’ lamps.

Afterwards, Jeffrey Louis Din (IV-4) and Anne Dominic Novales (IV-6) led the Nurses’ Pledge. This was followed by the singing of the UST Nurses’ Hymn, conducted by Zedric Estavillo (IV-4) and Charlene Sibug (IV-8) along with the piano accompaniment by Czalene Amor Danguilan (IV-3) and Aliya Shiel Hajan (IV-5).

Victoria Anne Camello (IV-2) and Cristal Lyn Ann Santiago (IV-8) concluded the solemn event with the Closing Prayers.

The pandemic forced the postponement of the 2020 capping rites, with Batch 2022 having their ceremonies incorporated with their Solemn Investitures held last June.

Nursing juniors received their caps and pins in the afternoon of the same day.


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