A party-list representing nurses appeals its rejection by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to register for the 2022 national and local elections.
Nurses United Partylist's application was initially junked due to issues on the representativeness of the party, which the group addressed in their motion for reconsideration last October 9, 2021.
Dr. Carl Balita, UST CON alumnus and supporter of the party, told The Nursing Journal that representation among nurses in the government is essential, as nurses are marginalized, abused, and exploited in history.
"History will tell us that even our salary grade 15 was not implemented for almost two decades. There's been a lot of exploitation of nurses. The salaries and benefits, for example, Special Risk Allowance (SRAs), came in late, Meals accommodation and transportation (MAT) allowance delayed, and some weren't even able to get it. Nurses are on the exploited side in recent history and the past," expressed Balita.
Nurses United's appeal has been elevated to the Comelec en banc, expecting developments this week.
"Their accreditation of the Nurses United should be given at least in consideration of the almost 10,000 nurses who turned out positive in COVID, the 29 who died on record, among others who probably died unreported. At least in the spirit of the compassion and the dedication that nurses played in the pandemic, I think more than anyone, these heroes need representation in the party-list system." remarked the senatorial candidate.
As of November 17, COMELEC has 171 registered party-list groups, including 118 existing organizations, for next year's elections.
"For my fellow nurses, we should continue to be assertive of our rights, collectively. We cannot just be assertive as a person or as a small group, but a collective assertiveness will resound our plight and effect change," closed Balita.
Sources: Rappler Philippines and Philippine News Agency